Sunday, March 22, 2009

Defend Thy Food, Dog!

Today Dash discovered a wonderful treat to eat...Daisy's food!! After Daisy eats, there is generally at least 3-4 pieces of food on the floor that she refuses to eat, because, well, it's on the floor.

Dash watched this with interest this morning and then went over to try some of this yummy food. Daisy saw this and started getting all mad at the cat (and us, for laughing at this sight). However, she made no move to eat the food herself, again, because she won't eat her food off the floor, but there was NO WAY she was going to be ok with Dash eating it!!

Later on we had to put Daisy's food up because Dash kept climbing in the bowl (yes, he fits) to eat the food.

We had expected to need to work at keeping Daisy out of the cat food, but this is a whole new twist!

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